Friday, September 4, 2009

u can c. leaders of our times are no more saint. they have become aggressive in fulfilling their selfish desire and have become power mongers. since we are fools, so they r able to rule us. they r doin right thing, because we deserve. if we r watchful for our rights then only we can control them. i want people to come forward to make this world free from selfish desire of power mongers and spread harmony in this universe.

1 comment:

  1. when our ministers feel that people travelling in economy class is cattle then what about people travelling in general class in railways. once pc told should we hang our head in shame, i think we must. when we have such type of ministers then u can understand where our country will go. if u are a gov staff room rent is fixed for u. but not for ministers. they are bigger than even old maharajas. they want presedential suite, personal plane, twisted law to do any thing to serve the nation. they call themselves janpratanidhi. i dont know which type of leader they are. they are not selected by even 25% of voting population of their constituency and they become our god. to be frank they are leader by default, product of our faulty system. if u authorise blind to distribute prizes, and if he gives prizes to his men every time then it is not his fault. think about it and act.
