Since eight days Delhi Mumbai rail route has been jammed by Gurjars. Till now neither Gurjar leaders are thinking about the inconvenience caused by their unjustified (court has already rejected their demand)to common people nor government is doing any thing to remove this blockade. This is nothing less than terrorism. Constitutionally their demand are wrong that's why court has ruled out, still they are forcing government and troubling common people. They should be booked for contempt of court. They have damaged railway track, who has given them authority to do this. These acts are done by either terrorists or nexalites. Gurjars must be dealt severely. But I believe in giving first chance to negotiation. Bainsla is most selfish and stubborn leader. Actually he is not a leader. He has started loosing ground so to make his ground he has involved in terrorist act. If he were a great leader then he would not have made his wife another Rabri Devi.
In democracy how few handful of people are allowed to take whole nation for a ride. I also believe in right to strike for lawful and justified demands. But right to strike does not mean troubling other especially innocent and common people. Since there is no organisation of common people, otherwise they would have been thrown from railway tract for taking whole nation for a ride. Bainsla must be punished severely. He is trying to fulfill his selfish desires for that he does not mind to trouble lakhs of common people. If he has got problems with government then he should stop government from work, but he is stopping railways. Presently our country is facing with the problems of terrorism. Think about this, there is terrorist attack and we are unable to mobilise our forces due to strike by Gurjars or terrorist may take advantage of this situation and may go with their nefarious design smoothly. In any case communication should be stopped, because it slows down whole nation and sometimes it may cause grave danger to security of our nation. There must be provision in our constitution to declare such type of leader as gaddar should be punished severely and immediately. They are playing with national security. I request Gurjars to reject those psycho leaders and go Bihar way. If they think that their demand is genuine then either prove in court or to country and get it fulfilled. I hope god will give them little wisdom.
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